Year 11 and 12 Studio Arts NGV Excursion

During this term, the Year 11 and 12 Studio Arts students got the opportunity to visit the Top Arts exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria.

This exhibition was an inspiring and helpful experience. The opportunity to see the exhibition gave amazing examples of both final pieces, as well as how folios should look. In the actual exhibition, each artist's pieces were set up in a cohesive way that made it clear who created each artwork.

Each artwork came with an Artist's Statement that clearly outlined their intentions. After having time to walk through the exhibition, we got a chance to view the folios. Each folio detailed the process of creating their artworks and where their ideas came from. It was very interesting to see the artist's connection to their artworks as they progressed through making them.

It inspired me as many of the artists involved their culture in their artworks. Those artworks felt very personal, and it was moving to know that the artists felt proud of their culture and comfortable sharing it with the public. The excursion was eye-opening and gave some insight into what will be expected of us in the years to come.

Olivia Simpson Y11