Adventurous learners in Year 3

Dear Parents, As we reach the conclusion of this semester, I am pleased to note the remarkable journey our Year 3 students have undertaken. Halfway through their Year 3 and (if you include Foundation), halfway through their primary school experience, it's truly a significant milestone. Your unwavering support has played an invaluable role in getting them to this point, for which I am deeply grateful. Each day they arrived in school, brimming with enthusiasm, eager to embark on new adventures in learning.

The second term was filled with memorable experiences that made it a truly enriching phase of learning. Whether it was the illuminating Science Incursion and the Royal Botanical Gardens Cranbourne or the fun-filled Disco and preparations for the Boite school chorus, each experience contributed to their overall growth. Their diligence and creativity were particularly notable in the shoe design projects, part of our Inquiry module. Their interactions with Year 3 and Year 4 peers and the empathy they developed for refugees whilst learning about science and STEM concepts were inspiring to observe.

Our shared reading of The Magician's Elephant by Kate DeCamillo has been a joyous journey. It was indeed a special treat to be able to watch the movie adaptation during our unit. Encourage them to read regularly at home, reinforcing the structured lessons in our literacy blocks.

We thoroughly enjoyed sharing The Magician's Elephant by Kate DeCamillo and watching the movies was definitely a wonderful bonus, we are so lucky it was released during our unit. There has been so much growth in each of their individual English experiences, it is quite impressive. Keep your children reading, we are reinforcing that it is expected that students are reading at home, and I think we are blessed that a teacher who knows all the best book series will be working so closely with them in Term 3.

Their progress in Mathematics has been truly impressive. The provocative questioning they engaged in has led them to pose their own mathematical problems. For instance, the simple yet thoughtful task of counting pencils in the classroom has shown their increasing confidence and inquisitive nature. This ability to question, explore, and find solutions is a crucial skill that we look forward to nurturing further.

Lastly, and most importantly, it is heartening to see the students' considerable growth both emotionally and socially. Their heightened awareness of the consequences of their actions, combined with an increased understanding of empathy and compassion, has shaped their interactions in remarkable ways. As we look forward to the next semester, let us continue to nurture these qualities, guiding them towards becoming empathetic, responsible, and conscientious individuals. Thank you for your unwavering support in this journey of growth.

I hope the upcoming school break allows for some much-needed rest and quality family time. Looking forward to an equally enriching second half of the year.

Warm regards,

Year 3 Teacher