Woodleigh Senior Campus - Coed Secondary Education

Today, students need more than just a strong academic base – they need transferable skills – adaptability, self-motivation and confidence. They need the ability to build strong relationships and work collaboratively, to solve problems creatively, to integrate and navigate new media literacies and think critically about issues at a local and global level.

Academic study at Woodleigh is innovative, targeted and structured to consolidate core literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills. It complements an intentionally broad and challenging range of co-curricular studies and experiences. Our assessment is purposeful and learning opportunities are personalised to engage every individual in a journey that excites them.

Strong connections exist between our Pastoral and Academic Programs. The relationships students form with their teachers and Homestead tutors are vital. These relationships and understandings encourage meaningful dialogue about goal setting, growth, achievement and self-awareness.

At Woodleigh, we have an essential faith in young people, a positive expectation that in most situations good will emerge. We strive to avoid all unnecessary confrontation with students, instead endeavouring to work with cooperation and good will. Ours in an environment where students feel valued and respected. They are encouraged to develop a healthy sense of their own self-worth and discover that they have something to say about the world that is worthwhile.

Learning @ Senior Campus

Woodleigh School is a Candidate School* for the Middle Years Programme (MYP). This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Woodleigh School believes is important for our students. *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

​The middle years are a time of great change, challenge and growth for all students. At Woodleigh these are years where students grow as individuals, develop their own interests and talents, and face and overcome all manner of educational and social hurdles unique to their age and peer groupings.

From Years 7 to 9, the curriculum at Woodleigh School is broad and comprehensive, providing a journey of discovery – of oneself and of the world. Based on core subjects and enriched as students progress through the school, it leads students to the acquisition of knowledge, the development of ideas and skills, and personal growth.

As a school of moderate size, Woodleigh School’s style of operation can remain personal and flexible. By knowing our students well, Woodleigh can design learning programs that cater to a broad range of student needs. Extension and remedial programs in many subject areas cater for all learning ages and styles and work toward achieving the best academic result for each student. The sense of comfort and personal safety one gets in a smaller environment, where one has a greater sense of being ‘known’, are also vital precursors to effective education.

In the middle secondary years, Woodleigh aims to develop personal competencies in students – creativity, compassion, skill, and resilience – which will see them able to make a smooth transition through VCE and on to adult life, tertiary education and employment.

​The senior years at Woodleigh, Years 10, 11 and 12, are the business end – where our curriculum of increasing leadership, responsibility and independence prepares students for success in their VCE studies and in life beyond school. At senior level, balance between academic and co-curricular studies is maintained through the continuing Homestead and Activities (to Year 11) Programs. Leadership opportunities abound in all areas of school life and all students are encouraged to participate, be it through sport, Service, Homestead, Activities or other co-curricular programs.

In the senior years we develop a variety of individual learning pathways for our students. Subject options include a full range of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) units, together with Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) subjects, school based apprenticeships and accelerated University studies to meet individual student needs.

Our Year 10 curriculum provides a strong foundation for VCE through a balanced, individually tailored academic and co-curricular program. VCE acceleration units are available to students who have shown sufficient ability and maturity in their studies.

Careers counselling enables students to clarify career aspirations, investigate career options and develop job skills. Career education is integrated within the total curriculum with attention focused on the world of work at Year 10 level. At VCE level, particular emphasis is placed upon selection of appropriate subjects and preparation for tertiary study or employment. Many students have also discovered vocational interests through the Activities Program.


The Homestead Program

​​Woodleigh places great emphasis on the care and development of all its students.

At the Senior Campus, pastoral care is the concern of all teachers, but it finds a special focus in the Homestead program. The focus of Homestead life is Pastoral Care; that is, knowing and helping each of its members. Central to Homestead is the notion of it being a ‘home’ where students belong, feel accepted and appreciated. Like a home, it is responsible for the nurturing and growth of each of its members.

Homesteads are far more than places where students store their books, socialise at break times, play games and listen to music. A Homestead consists of four groups of between 16–18 students each from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Each group has a Tutor who is their main pastoral carer. Each Homestead has a Homestead Coordinator.

Homestead is also an area that develops a sense of community. The members of this community are responsible for their environment. Students contribute ideas towards improving their environment and then are encouraged to do work associated with this. Gardening and cleaning are part of the student’s responsibilities.

Senior Homestead Charter

We take pride in looking after our school and our environment. We strive to create a space that is environmentally responsible and reflects our values. We show respect for ourselves, for others, and the environment.

We empower and celebrate individuality and diversity in all its forms. We are community-minded and committed to inclusivity. We show respect to everyone in our learning community and create positive connections with others. We respect the difference in each other’s circumstances and practise empathy.

We take pride in our actions, and we praise the contribution and effort we see others making. We celebrate personal growth and aspire to be our best.

We plan for success and come to class with an energetic approach to learning. We recognise that success is achieved through dedication, patience, and persistence. We strive for personal excellence.

These principles are our starting point: our goal is to share these values with the world.

The Activities Program

​Woodleigh School's Activities Program is uniquely designed to provide students in Years 7-11 with a broad range of challenging experiences beyond the core academic curriculum. Our staff, instructors and people with expertise outside of the immediate school community offer Activities that they are enthusiastic about and committed to.

For three lessons a week, students participate in an Activity they have selected from a huge range of options.

‘Activities’ is active learning – vivid experiences, not just information gathering. It allows students to access learning opportunities, especially hands-on style learning, in a much wider range than could be provided in programs with normal class sizes and restrictions. Experiences vary from snorkeling and open water diving certifications, yoga and self-defence classes, aviation, painting and sculpture, academic competitions, animal husbandry and construction projects.

Diverse areas, such as Academic Enrichment, the Visual & Performing Arts, Sport & Physical Development, Health, Lifestyle and Practical Skills, Information & Communication Technology and Community & School Partnerships are all represented in each Activities Unit.

The Woodleigh School Activities Program is a place where passions are born. It is adventures and fun, grit and determination, centred and calm.

"We learned from the beginning that a good many young people are deeply in need of quiet patches built into the school timetable for stress-free encounters with adults and with peers. We must, I believe, learn to pause in our schools. We must set aside the precious taxonomies of syllabus objectives which blanket our days, and cease sometimes from our gung-ho bell-ringing and note-taking and ball-kicking, and drop our professional status and just be with each other as people - teachers as people and children as people. Listening."

Choose widely. Choose wisely.

The Activities Program has always been part of the Woodleigh experience. As we continue to move forward with Activities, our extensive offerings continue to grow.

We encouarge each student to discuss and reflect with Tutors, parents and peers and make wide and wise choices, to gain experiences in a diverse range of offerings and categories.

The Activities Program aims to:

  • widen and deepen the range of experiences offered to students beyond the traditional academic subjects.
  • provide additional opportunities for academic enrichment, remediation and challenge.
  • provide students with the opportunity to make real decisions involving their education and take responsibility for these decisions.

Why do we have Activities?

Some of the many features and benefits of the Activities Program are:

Wider Learning

Allows learning, especially hands-on style learning, in a much wider range than could be provided in a program with normal class sizes and restrictions. Staff are also able to contribute to learning in areas of interest and expertise wider than their normal teaching areas. Outside experts and students also contribute to areas of learning not covered by staff.

Extension / Remediation

Allows alternative grouping of students with common interests or needs, enabling them to more readily pursue those interests.

Education for Leisure

Many Activities provide students with the type of skills that can later be used to meaningfully fill their leisure time.


Decision-making is an important life skill. New Activity Units, each half term, provide students with frequent opportunities to make informed choices and to reflect on and live with the consequences of those choices. Also, doing something that they have chosen to do makes for happier students.


Some students have pursued careers they first became interested in through an Activity; e.g. Jewellery Making, Photography, Social Welfare, Horticulture, Aviation.

Cross-Age Contact

Many Activities cater for and attract a wide range of ages, and this cross-age contact helps offset the artificial break up into year levels that the academic curriculum requires.


Students can gain certificates in a variety of areas, including: Hospitality, Aviation, Diving, Marine, Level 1 First Aid.


A small number of Activities will be gender specific. This will enable girls or boys with similar interests to work together.

Pastoral Care

Smaller groups and more relaxed relationships between staff and students helps assist the development of pastoral care based around a common interest.

Self Esteem

Success in chosen Activities helps students’ self-esteem and is especially helpful for some students who have difficulty in other areas of the curriculum. They find themselves excelling at specific Activities.

Voluntary Sport

By placing some sport within the Activities program it is possible to make it optional and thus avoid the worst aspects of compulsory sport that many other schools experience.

Woodleigh Development

Some Activities allow students to play a part in developing the school. This includes landscaping, working in the Sustainability Centre, Brian Henderson Reserve and with other students and animals at the Ag Hort Centre. This gives students a sense of attachment to the school.


Camps & Activities Week

The gradual development of life skills through the Outdoor Education program is an essential part of growing up at Woodleigh. Activities Weeks offer a balance to the academic program and assist in developing good relationships between staff and students – building initiative, independence, character and personality in all students.

For Year 7s, the thought of managing away from home for eight or nine days, as happens in the Year 9 Outward Bound and Year 10 Hattah programs, may seem daunting. But as they complete a number of camps in Years 7 and 8, a strong sense of achievement develops, as does a sense of being able to manage as an individual and as a member of a group.

Activities Week Camps

Two Activities Weeks are held during each school year. The normal School timetable is suspended and students are involved in planned activities both at and away from the school property.

Semester 1 Activities Week

In Semester 1, we conduct Homestead Camps for Year 7 and 8 students and an Outdoor Education Program for Year 9 and Year 10. One important aim of the Homestead Camp is to give students and staff the chance to practise living and working together as a small community. Homestead Camp weeks are also designed to help students develop a range of basic outdoor leisure skills in different environments. We employ outside experts with skills relevant to each Homestead’s program, to work with staff in conducting challenging educational activities, which incorporate the development of leisure skills such as abseiling, orienteering, surfing and lightweight camping. Each Homestead chooses a coastal location for their camp, which has something special to offer in terms of possible activities as well as other historical and natural attractions.

Year 9 students participate in an Outward Bound adventure for nine days in the Snowy River area and Year 10 students are involved in the Hattah Lakes Expedition for a full week, toward the end of Term 1.

Enjoy this one-minute slice of Outward Bound!

Hattah: Desert. Dust. Discovery.

Senior Homestead Camps

Senior Homestead students (Years 11 and 12) ballot for a range of camps and curriculum-based programs. All of these are off-campus. Recent camps have included Cradle Mountain Bushwalk, High Country Horse Riding, Gippsland Lakes Sailing, Creative Retreat, Social Service, Sydney Cultural Experience, Melbourne Arts, Tasmanian Adventure Tour, Scuba Diving, Murray Paddle and White Water Rafting.

Semester 2 Activities Week Camps

In Semester 2, Years 7–11 students are able to participate in another Activities Week when again the normal timetable is suspended. Students can elect to take part in Outdoor Education Camps such as Cross Country Skiing, Horse Riding on the High Plains, Rock Climbing and Abseiling, and Skindiving or in cultural or service-based camps. A range of school-based activities relating to the Arts, in particular drama, music, painting, ceramics and sculpture are also offered. All activities are cross-age, intensive and programmed for at least five days.

(In Semester 2, Year 12 students do not attend Activities Week Camps. This week is used to study for and sit practice exams.)

2022 Semester 2 Activities Week Options

The Arts at Woodleigh

The capacity to be creative, and to think creatively, is an essential skill in this 21st Century. But creativity isn’t simple, and it takes courage to be innovative.

Self-expression through the Visual and Performing Arts enhances our understanding of ourselves and others as unique individuals, and develops our confidence, just as experience builds skills.

Drama, Art and Music are all significant features of the Woodleigh curriculum.

All students participate in a range of performing and expressive arts within the curriculum.

These experiences are further enhanced by the annual week-long Arts Festival, regular music performances and drama productions, a visiting artists’ program and many other opportunities for participation and involvement in the Arts.

Music groups at each campus include orchestras, choirs, small and large ensembles, groups and rock bands.

Sport & Physical Education

At Woodleigh, we believe that a wide range of sports should be made accessible to all individuals for widening personal experiences. It is due to this belief that we have created a multi-sport program to enable all students an opportunity to participate.

Competitive sport at Woodleigh follows traditional patterns and is non-compulsory. All interested students are given as much support and encouragement as possible to participate in a wide variety of sports. All major carnivals and team sports are for both boys and girls unless otherwise stated in the following outlines.

Homestead Sport Carnivals

Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals are held each year for students in Year 7-10, with an emphasis on maximum participation from each Homestead group.

SIS Sport Carnivals

Being a member of the Southern Independent Schools Association (SIS) enables us to compete in a wide variety of traditional sports. Major Carnivals are held for Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country.


A compulsory Activity unit will run during Term 1 for Year 7-9 students keen on representing the school at SIS level. 

Homestead Carnival      
A full range of events, both traditional and novelty, makes our carnival both competitive and enjoyable. This full day event currently takes place in Term 1 and is held at Pines Aquatic Centre, with the emphasis on mass participation for this carnival. Student performance in this event is one criterion from which the SIS Squad is selected.

SIS Carnival     
The SIS Carnival and the SIS Relay Championships are our major competitions. Training takes place before school during Term 4 and Term 1 as preparation for these events in addition to the Activity unit in Term 1. The SIS Relay Carnival is held at Pines Aquatic Centre in Term 1 and the SIS Swimming Carnival is held at MSAC early in Term 2. Outstanding individual performances at the SIS Carnival can result in students being selected to represent the SIS at the VSAC (Victorian School Associations Competition) held at MSAC in Term 2. Woodleigh currently competes in Division A at the SIS Swimming Carnival.

Cross Country

Homestead Carnival     
This carnival takes place here at the Woodleigh Senior Campus in Term 2 utilising the vast expanses of the school property. The emphasis is on mass participation and working with others. Student performance in this event is one criterion from which the SIS Squad is selected.

SIS Carnival   
The SIS Cross Country Carnival is our main competition and takes place at Baxter Park in the middle of Term 2. Students have the opportunity to prepare for this event during the Cross Country Activity which runs throughout the first half of Term 2 and also utilise the Morning Fitness Club to build their fitness base. Keen runners are encouraged and supported to participate in the Victoria All Schools Individual & Relay Cross Country Championships.


Homestead Carnival     
A wide range of traditional events plus novelty events makes for both a competitive and enjoyable day where all students have the opportunity to be involved. This event takes place during Term 1 at Casey Athletics Track. Student performance in this event is one criterion from which the SIS Squad is selected.

SIS Carnival    
The SIS Athletics Carnival takes place at Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park in Term 3. An activities unit runs during Term 3 where students will have a number of sessions to train, prepare and compete for a place on the school team. Students can also make use of the Morning Fitness Club and build their fitness base by attending these sessions. Our strongest athletes are supported to go on and compete in Athletics Victoria run competitions.

Team Sports

The Sports Aerobics Team competes in several competitions throughout the year culminating in the State and National Titles. Training is held on a weekly basis at our Minimbah Campus after school.

This is played as part of the SIS weekly sports program in Term 4 and is open to all Year 9–10 Boys.

Students at all year levels have the opportunity to represent the school in SIS competitions throughout the year. We send representative teams to compete in the Victorian College Basketball Championships. We have a number of teams that compete in the Frankston & District Basketball Association competition during the week throughout the school year.   

There are SIS competitions for Year 7–8 Boys in Term 4, and Year 9–10 Boys in Term 1. During Term 2 there is an SIS Indoor Cricket competition for Year 9-10 Girls and in Term 3 a similar competition for Year 7-8 Girls. Training for these teams is held at lunchtime and in conjunction with the Activities Program.

The school has a representative Equestrian team that competes in the Victorian Equestrian Interschool Series throughout the year. Events include Show Jumping and Dressage.

Students from Year 7-12 have the opportunity to represent the school in football. All teams play during weekly SIS Sport with Senior Girls, Senior Boys and Intermediate Boys competitions taking place during Term 2, and Junior Boys and Junior Girls teams competing in Term 3. Training for these teams is held at lunchtime and in conjunction with the Activities Program.

Year 9–10 Boys and Girls compete in the SIS competitions as part of the Weekly Sports roster in Term 1.

There are SIS weekly competitions for Year 7–8 Girls in Term 2, with Year 9–10 Girls and Year 7-8 Boys competing in Term 3. Woodleigh enters teams into the Frankston & District Netball Association Competition held every Friday night at Jubilee Park throughout the school year. We also send teams to compete in the Netball Victoria Schools Championships and the Gold Coast Netball Carnival mid-year (bi-annually).

We train our Sailing squad at Mornington Yacht Club after school during Term 4 and Term 1 over summer. These students also have the opportunity to represent the school in a competition at Davey’s Bay that runs after school midweek across several rounds during summer. We also select a team to compete in the Victorian School Team Sailing State Championships in Term 1.  

Snow Sports    
Skiing and Snowboarding have been popular activities for many years at Woodleigh. The school competes annually in the Interschool Snow Sports Championships and, in recent years, teams and individuals have gone on to compete at the Australian Interschool Championships.

Soccer is offered during weekly SIS Sport to Year 7–8 Boys and Girls in Term 4, Year 9–10 Boys and Girls in Term 3, and Year 11–12 Boys and Girls in Term 1. Training is held at lunchtimes and also in conjunction with the Activities Program.

Softball is offered to Year 7-8 Girls in Term 2 and Year 9-10 Girls during Term 4 as part of the SIS weekly sport program.

Several events are entered each year including the Victorian Independent School Team Surfing Titles. Group training sessions are held in Term 1 in preparation for these events.

Table Tennis   
Table Tennis is offered during SIS weekly sport to Year 7–8 students in Term 2.

Tennis is offered to Year 7-8 students in Term 4 as part of the SIS weekly sports program.

Touch Rugby       
Touch Rugby is offered to Year 7-8 Boys in Term 2 and Year 9-10 Boys in Term 3.

This sport is offered to Year 9–10 Girls during Term 1, Year 7-8 Boys in Term 2 and Year 7-8 Girls in Term 4 as part of the SIS weekly sports program.

*Participation in some of the above sports may incur transport and entry costs.

Coaching, Umpiring or Just Getting Involved

As well as giving students the opportunity to participate in a team, we also encourage students to assist with teams in many different ways. Whether as a coach, umpire, official or general assistant, students are given the opportunity to gain a wide range of skills associated with their chosen sport. These opportunities are extensive and students can make use of their individual talents and run a specific Activity within the Activities Program.

Sports Club Program

Student involvement in the Sports Club Program incurs a cost of $30 per student per term, in addition to any game and registration fees that may be charged by external organisations. This fee entitles a student to be involved in as many Sports Club Programs as they choose.                                       

The Sports Club Program consists of:                                          

After School Basketball    
Woodleigh enters school teams into community competitions in the Frankston District Basketball Association. We provide a coach and after school training for all teams. Teams train after school on Tuesday and Wednesday in the school gym from 4:00–5:15 pm.

After School Netball         
Woodleigh enters school teams into the Frankston and District Netball Association competition at Jubilee Park on Friday evenings. We provide a coach and after school training for all teams. Training takes place on Thursday’s after school in the school gym from 4:00-5:15 pm.

Morning Fitness Club                  
Is a before school program that runs year-round. The sessions run from 7:30–8:30 am and provide students with the opportunity to improve their general fitness. Activities include weights programs, cardiovascular workouts, circuit training, running, ball games and much more.

Swim Squad                     
Training for our keen swimmers runs one morning per week throughout Term 1 and 4. The sessions are run at Somerville Health and Aquatic Centre from 7.15–8.15am. Students are then returned to school by staff in time for the school day. These sessions are designed with specific training programs and individual coaching in mind.

Sport Leadership Program

The aim of the Woodleigh Sports Leadership Program is to encourage students with a strong interest in sport to develop their leadership skills. The program aims to develop skills such as coaching, public speaking, organisational skills, teamwork and confidence, promotion of sport within the school and a greater appreciation of sport and all its dimensions. Students involved in this program will have the opportunity to be a voice for students in developing the Woodleigh Sports Program.

The program may include but is not limited to:

  • Working towards achieving a Level 1 Coaching/Umpiring Accreditation in their chosen sport.
  • Public Speaking – Assembly, Homestead Carnival Presentations etc.
  • Networking.
  • Participating in an Activities unit based on Sport Leadership.
  • Coaching teams/students (where applicable) – through the Activities Program, SIS sport and after school sport.
  • Attend sport leadership meetings.
  • Assist in developing the Woodleigh Sport Program by providing input and feedback.
  • Supporting younger students to develop skills and a love of sport.

Woodleigh Student Wellbeing & Counselling Services

In the rapidly changing world around us it is vital to respond to the needs of our students in a holistic manner by offering a range of evidence based wellbeing strategies and programs, that enhance resilience, promote optimism, and develop skills to cope with the expected and unexpected challenges of everyday life, in this ever-changing world in which we live.

Woodleigh School offers a whole school approach to student wellbeing that purposefully caters to the needs of all students. We respond to the needs of our community as identified by referral and assessment processes and by adopting evidence-based practices that include the social, psychological, cognitive and physical development of our students. It is our aim and firm intention to maximise each student’s capacity to flourish, foster resilience and reach their full potential in our contemporary teaching and learning environment that is founded on the 3Rs.

Our mission is:

To promote and support positive student wellbeing by building resilience and the personal capacity to meet challenges confidently, now and in the future.

Informed by:

Evidence-based data that includes:

  • Student, staff & parent feedback
  • The growing challenges of mental health in young people
  • The role of school culture in encouraging help-seeking behaviour whilst developing and strengthening resilience
  • The belief that it is the right of every child to know and understand how to flourish
  • Current trends in wellbeing that best fits the contemporary learning environment of Woodleigh

To achieve this, we will:

  • Provide a clear referral pathway for staff and families to access appropriate wellbeing support.
  • Champion evidence-based programs and frameworks that promote positive education skills to strengthen student resilience
  • Work with all staff to build professional capacity to respond to the wellbeing needs of students within a contemporary teaching & learning environment
  • Promote a culture within the school community that encourages and normalises help-seeking behaviour and the wellbeing of all (including staff and families)
  • Develop evidence-based, positive programs that respond to the developmental needs of all of our students.

Our Team:

Alison Behrend is an educational and developmental psychologist who works across Penbank and Woodleigh campuses. She has worked in the education setting for the past nine years, including working as a secondary teacher and as a psychologist at a number of primary schools. Alison completed her clinical placement at Woodleigh in 2013, before joining the staff in 2015. She has extensive experience working with children, adolescents, parents and families, and has a strong interest in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in children and adolescents. She is experienced in supporting the social, emotional and learning development of children and adolescents. At Penbank, she is working as a key member of the KidsMatter team to implement programs and initiatives to encourage and promote positive mental health in our primary-aged students.

Aviv Gerszonovicz is our Minimbah Campus Counsellor and also a counsellor at Woodleigh Senior Campus, having commenced in 2007. His background and expertise includes Education and Creative Arts Therapy. Aviv provides individuals with a safe and supportive environment and adopts a therapeutic approach which is student centred, strength based and caters to meet the needs of each individual.

If you wish to access our wellbeing team please contact your child’s classroom teacher/ tutor as a first point of contact.



Smiling Mind

ReachOut Breathe

Additional support service contacts:

Kids Help Line: 1800 331 859

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Grief line: 9935 7400

Careers Program

The Career Development program at Woodleigh School supports students in clarifying career aspirations, investigating career options, and developing 21st-century skills and capabilities. According to age and stage, career education is integrated within the curriculum with attention focused at each year level.

In Year 7 & 8, students are exposed to Government priority areas such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and developing digital capabilities.

In Year 9, students are introduced to the world of work, focussing on building interview and job application skills. They are introduced to workplace rights and financial literacy.

In Year 10, students participate in an extensive Career Development program. Within this, students identify their skills and capabilities and complete Morrisby testing. They are interviewed by the Director of Careers, where particular emphasis is placed upon selecting appropriate subjects in preparation for tertiary study or employment.

At Year 11, students participate in an Industry Tour Immersion program tailored to their career goals and aspirations. Within this program, we engage with our industry partners to give students first-hand experience of what a job entails.

At Year 12, students are supported with consolidating their goals beyond Woodleigh. Each student is supported with completing applications to Apprenticeships/Traineeships, TAFE and University. Students can also gain assistance with GAP year opportunities, Interstate and International applications, SEAS and Scholarships.

Forward Thinking: Selecting an appropriate course

In the Middle School offerings, our elective programs are deliberately designed to allow students to explore a range of different subjects. Students are encouraged to keep options open and choose broadly across all learning areas.

The VCE is designed to be a two-year program and the following questions should be used to guide student choice:

  • What subjects interest me most?
  • In which studies am I most likely to succeed?
  • What Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority (VCAA) requirements must I meet to complete my VCE, either scored or unscored?
  • What studies are available at Woodleigh School?
  • What VET studies should I consider?
  • What prerequisite and recommended studies do I need to undertake for a particular career pathway? (To check the most up to date VTAC information, visit
  • What advice have I received from my parents/guardians, teachers and the careers counsellor?
  • What co-curricular opportunities should I consider which will support my career development?

Students may select a program that has a specific orientation or one that has a more general focus. Whilst aside from English or Literature being a compulsory requirement, students are encouraged to study the most challenging level they can cope with (to ensure that many tertiary options are opened). The school strongly recommends that students select at least two units of Mathematics where possible. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to maintain studying a language if possible. All students are encouraged to select a program tailored to their passions as the most exciting and challenging way of completing VCE.

Woodleigh School also offers students access to Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates as part of their subject offerings. In addition, students can complete a School-Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship.

To learn more about Careers at Woodleigh, visit our Woodleigh Careers website. If you have further questions, contact the Director of Careers, Shannon Maher, at or call 5971 6100.

Service Learning

Woodleigh School's core values rest within the statement, 'Respect for self, Respect for others and Respect for the environment. One approach that fosters the 3 R's in both thinking and action is service learning, also referred to as Community Partnerships in the Woodleigh School context.

Service Learning at Woodleigh principal objective is to broaden, deepen and enrich our young people's experiences and those we partner with beyond our immediate community. Most importantly, students must feel empowered to make a difference and leave a positive legacy that enriches the lives of others.

At the Senior Campus, all Year 8 students are involved in connecting with our local community. Students are guided through a design-thinking routine and explore the concepts and challenges of social justice, volunteering and charity. Students then commit to one of the following categories in ongoing relationships during the year. These are usually focussed on Environmentalism (conservation of flora and fauna) and/or People (Primary School children, Aged care, disability, recently arrived Asylum seekers, local Indigenous community links, people of different abilities).

In addition, Woodleigh has a number many ongoing Community Partnerships with various groups that have been built over many years. These partnerships have evolved and are driven by communication and relationships. Many of the programs listed below require student leadership to be ongoing and sustained.

Staff and students are encouraged to explore new connections within the partnerships below.

In addition, students can propose a new Community Partnership within our school community. If interested, please download the application form here and email Mrs. Bolch to chat about your proposal. Remember that service can be offering your Time, Talents or Treasures to a community group that has a need.


Partnership Opportunities

Asylum Seeker Centre
Australian Unity Aged Care
Beyond Blue
Bread Tags for Wheelchairs
Brian Henderson Reserve
Blue Dragon
Chumkriel Language School
Dolphin Research Centre
Diabetes Australia
Eat Up
Edithvale Wetlands
Hampers for Hope
Hattah-Kulkyne National Park
Jeans for Genes Day
Lost Property Clothing Buy Back
Middle Kinglake Primary School
Mornington Special Development School
Mt Rothwell/Dunkeld & Tiverton
My Room
Mothers in Need
Fight MND
Parks Victoria
Relay for Life
Riding for the Disabled
Rotary Indonesia
Sages Cottage
Spring Park Primary School
Staff v Students Games
Surfing with the Disabled
The Big Sleepout
Wear it Purple Day
Willum Warrain Aboriginal Gathering Place
World’s Greatest Shave
World Vision Birthing
Wugularr School
Application and Proposal for a Service Initiative

Broadening Horizons

The Broadening Horizons program is open to students in year 10 and 11. It provides students with a real-world experience, enabling them to develop a real understanding and unique education experiences that are tailored to developing relationships.

All partnerships are designed to develop respectful young people, who feel ready to play their role in social justice across the globe – people who embody their values and understandings, and act upon them. Our young people are encouraged to embrace diversity and celebrate individual differences. All components are immersive and underpinned by strong relationships developed over many years.

Students will:

  • Develop greater awareness and understanding of global issues
  • Gain attention to life outside of the safe and secure environment of the Mornington Peninsula
  • Practical opportunities to further develop independence, resilience, and initiative in more challenging environments
  • Experience and be inspired by how individuals can make a difference
  • Develop life skills through experiences that will require courage, generosity, imagination, and resolution
  • Tangible ways to embrace the importance of service to others, global responsibilities, and cultural understandings
  • An opportunity to co-develop projects and tackle global issues
  • Challenge and confront tokenism and the belief in the superiority
  • Foster understanding, goodwill, respect, and friendship

Broadening Horizons opportunities for 2023 include the following national and international trips:

  • International Round Square Conference, Kenya: Ocotber 2023
  • Round Square International School: October 2023
  • French Immersion: December 2023 to January 2024
  • Indonesia Immersion: December 2023
  • Cambodia Partnership: December 2023
  • Vietnam Partnership
  • Operation Wallacea, Indonesia: dates TBC
  • Laynhapuy: Activities week, term 3, 2023
  • Ampilatwatja: Activities week, term 3, 2023

For further information, download the Broadening Horizons 2024 Handbook.

To Apply

There is a selection process for students which may involve a written application and interview by a panel of staff and students who have previously been involved. The Expression of Interest form is available in the Broadening Horizons 2024 Handbook.

The coordinator of each program will then run at least one additional Information Session pre-departure. If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact Gareth Bolch, Dreictor of Community, Culture and Student Experiences.

Deputy Principal - Community, Culture and Student Experiences

Ampilatwatja Partnerships

The remote township of Ampilatwatja is a 4-hour drive, on a long, red, desert road, northeast of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.

It is the home of the Alywarre people, with a transient population of approx. 300-500.

Ampilatwatja is not open to the public. You need a permit, and an invitation from the community to enter. This is a closed, dry community, they have very few visitors and Woodleigh is the only school who visit.

Woodleigh and Ampilatwatja School have been in a partnership for 14 years. The connection began through a former Woodleigh student, who became a teacher, and worked at Ampilatwatja school.

When we visit the community, we stay and volunteer at the school. Deep friendships and connections have been made over the years. Students, staff, and elders from Ampilatwatja school also visit us at Woodleigh.

Reflection from Ella Jones- 2022 visit to the community

“Most days I spent the morning on the Ampilatwatja school bus which picks up kids and families from their houses around the community. This was a great way to meet a lot of the students in a more relaxed and informal setting before walking into school with them for breakfast, sport and classes.

During the school day, I mostly worked with the kinder kids where I had the very important and difficult role of acting like a four-year-old. During my time there, I enjoyed many wooden cakes at the play shop, gave plenty of piggybacks and played many MANY games of basketball.

I really appreciated the chance to just be with the kids, and play in their company, often without ever talking. It was refreshing not to approach the school feeling like we had something better to offer them/ and instead/ properly embrace the relationships and connections as shared experiences.”

The Woodleigh - Ampilatwatja partnership provides students with an amazing opportunity to experience life in a remote Aboriginal community. And for the students of Ampilatwatja, it is a chance for them to share their lives with us, and to journey off country, to Melbourne and Woodleigh.

This is a unique opportunity to experience life in a remote Aboriginal community, in the centre of Australia.

For more information contact Carey Saunders in Jago, or email

Carey Saunders- Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Programs

The Woodleigh Environment

The Senior Campus is situated on 55 acres of peaceful native surroundings. Care has been taken in the development of all Woodleigh Campuses to ensure that the built environment does not overwhelm the surrounding natural environment, which is unique and special to our School.

Senior Campus Facilities

The Senior Campus in Langwarrin South has an impressive list of specialised facilities.

These include a fully fitted School Hall with lighting and sound rig. The Jago Centre for Performing Arts features multiple music performance/study spaces, a music technology centre, dance/drama studio, film studio and a post-production area. The Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Gallery is the centerpiece of the School’s Visual Arts facilities, which include a Computer Aided Design Studio as well as Junior and Senior Art classrooms.

Woodleigh’s award-winning Science Centre includes marine biology facilities and dedicated Chemistry, Physics and Biology classrooms for senior students. The campus also boasts a fully resourced library, careers centre, sustainability and agriculture/horticulture centre, multipurpose courts, sporting oval and gymnasium.

In 2015, Woodleigh opened the first three, of six, Homesteads as part of a learning spaces renewal program. The new Homesteads 1, 2 and 3 have received multiple awards from The Association for Learning Environments, and Architizer. Homestead 6 was opened in 2018 and Homestead 4 in 2022.

A new VCE centre incorporating classrooms, a dedicated exam space and student common room, opened in 2011.

Information Technology facilities include networked classrooms, dedicated computer labs and Interactive Whiteboards, which are used throughout the school.

All Senior Campus students are supplied with a 13" Apple MacBook Pro with a Retina Display and flash storage.

Parent Resources

Please contact Senior Campus Reception on 5971 6100 or email if you have any questions regarding the content available here.

Secure School Environment Policy

Staff and students have a basic right to work and study in a school free from any harassment or bullying. Woodleigh Campus is committed to providing such an environment.

What Is Harassment?

Harassment is the deliberate desire to hurt, intimidate or threaten another. It may take many forms.

  • Physical – e.g. pushing, shoving, fighting, invasion of personal space.
  • Verbal – e.g. name calling, offensive language, discrimination, “put downs” based on race, gender, physical appearance, sexual orientation or religious creed.
  • Visual – e.g. offensive notes and gestures, graffiti.
  • Victimisation – e.g. stand over tactics, exclusion.
  • Sexual – e.g. any unwelcome sexual behaviour including offensive jokes, language or pictures.
  • Electronic – e.g. offensive or intimidating emails, offensive photos published on the Web / social network sites, or via text messaging, filming.

How Can We Stop Harassment?

  • We can conduct ourselves so that we do not provoke others to respond in an unacceptable manner.
  • We can work to resolve disputes with others in a peaceful way.
  • If we see harassment we can refuse to join in.
  • We can support any students who are harassed. For example, we might intervene if it is safe, we might assist them if we are able to, and we can report it to staff.
  • If we are harassed, we can tell the person that what they are doing is harassment. We can stand up for ourselves if anyone tries to harass us by:
    • telling them to stop
    • ignoring them (in the very short term)
    • saying ‘no’
    • asking a staff member for support
    • drawing the attention of others (students and staff) to the harassing behaviour

Asking a Staff Member for support

For advice talk to one of the following:

  • Your Tutor
  • Your Teacher
  • Your Homestead Coordinator
  • Director of Wellbeing – Daniel Lukies
  • The Head of Woodleigh Campus – Nat McLennan
  • The Principal – David Baker

Our Response To Bullying and Harassment

If a matter is reported to Senior Staff it will then be discretely investigated and if necessary some of the following approaches used:

  • self-help
  • warning
  • counseling
  • therapeutic solutions
  • restorative practice session attended by both parties
  • apology
  • parent contact
  • referral to Support Group for ongoing case management
  • withdrawal from Homestead or classes – ‘in school’ suspension
  • suspension
  • expulsion

Addressing Harassment

Most harassment that occurs is not complained about and therefore remains hidden. Those who are harassed often don’t complain because they fear it will make things worse or that no one will take them seriously, even if they do complain. We know, however, that harassment thrives in an atmosphere where it is hidden and not discussed. When we are willing to acknowledge the problem it can be dealt with. We take a ‘shared concern’, non-punitive approach where everyone involved has a responsibility to help solve the problem.

Want To Talk To Someone?

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

Free call 24 hours, 7 days a week. Confidential and professional counselling service.

Frankston Community Health Centre 9784 8100

Can arrange counselling, assist with issues relating to sexual health, sexuality, drug and alcohol and mental health etc.

Headspace 1800 650 890 or Peninsula Headspace 9769 6419

Anonymous drug counselling, information and referral.

Lifeline 13 11 14

Grief Line 1300 845 745

Resource Links

Internet Contract

eSafety Resources

TRAG – Teenagers Road Accident Group

DARTA – Paul Dillon Resources

South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault SECASA

Bully Stoppers

Helping Those who are Grieving

Safe Schools Coalition Victoria

Sport Uniform & Dress Code

​At Senior Campus, a Dress Code operates for students from Years 7-12.

The intention is to encourage the wearing of practical and inexpensive clothing and to help students develop responsibility for choosing and looking after their own clothing. The Dress and Appearance Policy is flexible enough to both allow and encourage individual style and to emphasise neatness and presentability.

Rather than focus on precise details of dress, students are encouraged to make good judgements based on the following principles:

  • A SunSmart approach
  • Cleanliness and hygiene
  • Good repair
  • Decency (e.g., no bare midriffs or visible underwear)
  • Safety
  • Appropriateness for the occasion
  • Appropriate for a school learning environment
  • Regard for community expectations, especially extremes in appearance such as hairstyles and jewellery

Our aim is for students to learn to wear appropriate clothing for various situations. In this way students are making similar decisions about their clothing to when they leave school. Staff will work with students on interpreting these guidelines and will on occasions need to disagree and be insistent. It is expected that students will take responsibility for their school clothing needs and will ensure that they have organised their clothing for the week ahead.

The following should be observed by all students

  • It is strongly recommended that students wear headwear which protects from the sun, especially in Terms 1 and 4.
  • Footwear for Home Economics, Manual Arts and Science practical lessons need to cover the top of the feet, including the toes. Students will not be able to participate in the practical components of these lessons if they are wearing inappropriate footwear.
  • For health reasons, all students are required to have a change of clothing for PE, sport and sport-based Activities as well as sports shoes. Students need to wear the official Woodleigh Senior Campus sport uniform during these sessions.
  • All items of clothing should be named.

View our updated Dress and Appearance Policy here.

Physical Education and Sport Uniforms

For health reasons, all students are required to have a change of clothing for PE. The Woodleigh School Sports polo shirt and gym shorts or girls' compression tights are compulsory attire for all students.
Other official garments (teamwear or sports-specific) are available for competition use.

Sports and PE Uniform Purchasing

The full Woodleigh School uniform range is available from The Bounty Shop in Frankston. Families can shop in-store, click and collect from the website, or have it delivered. Please ensure that all articles of clothing are clearly named. Name tags are also available from The Bounty Shop. The ‘sew-on’ type embroidered name tags are the best.

The Bounty Shop can be found at 11 Thompson Street Frankston.

Parent Teacher Online (PTO)

Bookings for Parent/Teacher interviews are handled via our PTO system. It can be found HERE.