Busy Bees

Hive Messenger September

In the Hive we have been interested in using and exploring how 'real tools' work. Each week, we have introduced tools including padlocks and keys, pipes, screwdrivers, hammers, and spirit levels. As a group, we discussed what we thought each tool might be, who uses them, how to use them, and how to keep ourselves safe whilst using the tools. In our unit of Inquiry 'How the world works' we used play to explore, investigate, and construct theories about how 'things' in the world work.

Marble runs have been an area of interest. The children eagerly began constructing a variety of ‘runs’ that they continued to revisit each week in various spaces in our environment.

A water run was created with pipes and a rope to make a bucket on a pulley system. During the construction of the water run, many questions arose as the children collaboratively worked together, demonstrating confidence and resourcefulness in solving problems.

“How will we keep the pipes there?”

“How will we get the water?”

Another group of children enjoyed building a bamboo ball run. They shared their ideas and worked collaboratively to create an interactive run with many moving parts! They tested out possible theories and decided that it was a successful run if the ball landed in the wooden basket at the end.

Each week the development of ‘runs’ became more complex, and a wide range of materials were experimented with to test their effectiveness. One week a group of children initiated an investigation into whether gum nuts or rocks would work on a marble run. Together they discussed the differences between the rocks and gum nuts and developed theories about why one worked more effectively than the other. They enjoyed testing their theories and exploring different materials like pipes, cardboard, and building blocks.

They observed the differences in speed and distance travelled down the run and developed theories about the force and development of the structure and how that affected its 'runs' down the slide.

As they encountered challenges the children communicated their ideas and thoughts about the 'problems' they were experiencing. They took turns to adapt the structure and trail it, including the use of different materials and forms, such as tunnels and building blocks.

The children were invited to draw their ideas in the form of a design, which allowed them to communicate their thoughts in another way and make connections.

" Like a maze, it goes round and round."

Throughout the unit of inquiry, the children continued to revisit their interest with ‘real l tools’ often using a tape measure, to explore the lengths of a marble run or the distance a marble travelled. The spirit level was used to explore the angles and levels made and how they impacted the run.

Emma Streader