Hive Messenger

Perspective, Connection, Change, Environment and Impact.

Throughout the Term, the Hive children have been exploring their natural environment and making new discoveries—many of which they wanted to record through art.
The children began to wonder how their surrounding environment may feel and asked questions such as.
“What would a flower say if it could talk?“
“Can flowers cry?“
"How does a flower feel?”
“How might it feel when we pick them?”
“How do they feel when we water or don’t water them?”

The central ideas and concepts from our Units of Inquiry, ‘Sharing the Planet’ and ‘Who we Are’ are linked perfectly with these interests, which you can see here.

We enjoyed exploring our ECC gardens and noticing the changes that were occurring. However, the curiosity to look beyond our gates was strong. We decided to go for a walk around the school and collect nature that we found interesting.

Using their observation skills, the children noticed the variety of textures, lines and shapes present in nature. They began developing representations of these through drawings and watercolour paintings. The educators wanted to extend the children’s skills further and asked an Artist who creates landscape paintings to come to visit and share her expertise.

Cath DeBoise, spent two sessions with us as an Artist in residence, teaching us skills in printing, painting, and collage. Cath and the class collaborated all the materials together to get a wide range of nature with different shapes and textures that could create a rich print. She provided a sequence of steps that encouraged the children to use of their fine motor skills to explore the natural print patterns with acrylic paints and dye. It was wonderful to observe the children exploring the techniques and becoming confident to share their ideas and processes with Cath and their peers.

The children created a range of works individually and a collaborative art piece that incorporated all the techniques learnt with Cath.

A collection of art pieces will be on display in the Minimbah office along with the Collaborative canvas, and please be sure to have a look and let us know what you think.

On behalf of The Hive children, Emma, Milly, and Heather would like to wish the Woodleigh community a happy, safe and enjoyable Christmas holiday break. We thank all our Hive families for their support and care throughout the year. It has been an honour to have spent this precious time with your children.

Thank you!