Growth, learning, and exploration in Year 4

Term 3 has been filled with growth, learning, and exploration, and I am excited to share some of the key learning from the semester.

Units of Inquiry

To begin our term, our students inquired into the central idea that organisations and systems are developed to respond to change, as part of our unit of inquiry, How We Organise Ourselves. Throughout this unit, our students grew their understanding of the earth’s processes, like earthquakes, floods and erosion, and the systems we develop to respond to the changes caused. It was a joy to look at local and global examples as part of this inquiry and to see students taking collective action to help reduce erosion at the creek by planting hundreds of native plants.

In the second half of this term, we have embarked upon our new unit of inquiry, Where We Are In Place and Time. Our central idea, that significant people and events impact the lives of individuals and communities, has provided a thought-provoking framework for our students to explore the key concepts of causation, perspective, and responsibility. Using the journeys of European explorers and early contact with First Nations people in Australia as a captivating entry point, our students have delved into global themes that transcend time and place. Through research, discussions, and hands-on activities, they have begun to question how perspective shapes our understanding of significance, and our responsibility as global citizens to grow our knowledge and compassionate stance towards the experiences of others.


One of the primary focuses this term has been on strengthening our multiplication and division skills. I am thrilled to share that our Year 4 students have made substantial progress in mastering these essential mathematical operations. Through hands-on activities, group discussions, and interactive games, our young mathematicians have honed their abilities to tackle increasingly complex mathematical problems.

Our classroom has witnessed students confidently using multiplication and division strategies to solve real-world scenarios, which is a testament to their hard work and determination. From understanding the relationship between multiplication and division to employing various strategies like arrays, skip counting, efficient mental strategies and written methods, our students have developed a solid foundation in these crucial mathematical concepts.


Another highlight of this term has been our exploration of persuasive writing. Our Year 4 students have delved into the world of persuasion, learning how to craft compelling arguments and present them persuasively in writing. It has been wonderful to see the creativity and thoughtfulness displayed in their persuasive writing, as they have passionately advocated for various causes, including whether we should adopt a pet dragon for our class…

Our Class Novel

This term, a highlight of our literary journey was our deep dive into the enchanting world of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis. This classic tale of adventure, courage, and imagination has captivated our students' hearts and minds. Through read-alouds and group discussions, we have explored the magical land of Narnia alongside Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter.

Using comprehension strategies, our Year 4 students have engaged in rich discussions about the characters, themes, and moral lessons embedded in the story. These discussions have deepened their understanding of the novel and encouraged empathy, critical thinking, and a love for literature.

Special news

With great excitement, I share that Sterling’s portrait of archaeologist Howard Carter is a finalist in the Mornington Peninsula Young Archies portrait competition and will be displayed alongside the Archibald Prize exhibition at the Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery. Congratulations, Sterling! The exhibition will run from Friday 15 September to Sunday 5 November

Young Archies Sterling

I wish everyone a safe and restful holiday and can’t wait to see the students for our final term together.

James Clapham