Indonesian: Mystical Creatures and Kecak Dance

Mystical Creatures with Foundation

Have you heard about the mystical Garuda creature? The King of birds, a protector who travels quickly with his great wings, symbolising glory, greatness and strength? We began by researching the importance of the Garuda and its symbolism for Indonesian culture and took a dance journey through jungles, rivers and mountains to find our very own Garuda. This got us thinking about other creatures in mythical existence, like unicorns, griffins and dragons. The question of “how can we create our own mythical creatures?” and “what would they look like/move like?” prompted us to create creatures and narratives from our imaginations.

Kecak dance & chanting with Year 1 & 2

Kecak is a traditional Balinese Hindu dance and music drama, often performed at sunset overlooking the ocean. It involves large groups of performers chanting together to create a symphony of human sound, full of varying tempos and hand gestures.

Watching and listening to a kecak chant and dance is powerful, hypnotic and unforgettable.

Finding a way to create your own kecak is complex, challenging and very exciting. We explored rhythms, patterns, the different sounds we can make with our voices and the actions to accompany them. Putting all the sounds and actions together like an orchestra of musicians required us to focus, listen, follow and work as a team. When we got into the zone and worked together, we discovered just how amazing and rewarding a Kecak can be!

Kecak Yr 2