Sports Report with Pete

Penbank School's aquatic program at Pelican Park, spanning from Foundation to Year 5, made a splash in the hearts of students, embodying a harmonious blend of learning and joy. Each day as the students travelled by bus to Pelican Park, we witnessed a program that created a dynamic space where aquatic skills and enthusiasm converged.

From the earliest strokes in Prep to the more sophisticated techniques mastered in Year 5, students not only embraced the art of swimming but revelled in the joy of exploration.

The success of the program wasn't just in the strokes perfected but in the laughter that echoed through the aquatic arena. The pool became a haven where students not only learned the intricacies of swimming but also forged memories of camaraderie and personal growth. The program's conducive environment and expert instructors fostered a love for aquatic adventures, making the program a highlight in the student's educational journey at Penbank.

Enjoy the photos!

Pete McGettigan