Welcome to term 3 in Foundation

Dear Families,

Welcome to Term 3! We have another busy, exciting term ahead in Foundation.


We have begun exploring our new central idea, ‘Products and services are created to meet the needs of a community.

We are inquiring into:

  • Roles and responsibilities within our community.
  • Products and services in our community.
  • Creating products and services for our community.

It has been wonderful to see the children thinking about roles and responsibilities within their families and the communities to which they belong. If you have any books about roles, services, or communities, please ask your child to bring them in for Show and Share. We would love to have more parents come to our classroom to talk to the children about your roles and responsibilities in your job, as part of your family, or in any volunteer organisations you belong to. We have had our first presentation this week which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Please let me know if you would like to come in and talk with the children.


In Maths this term, we have continued consolidating our understanding of place value, numbers to 20, and skip counting. The children have enjoyed learning to partition and skip count to 20 using their bead strings. Throughout this term, we will explore the following number concepts:

  • Constructing numbers in different ways
  • modelling and solving problems involving numbers
  • using estimation when counting & solving problems.

Over the next few weeks, we also will begin to explore patterns, money, and time. If you are interested in trying some fun family maths activities at home, there are some great ideas in this short video.


Our Read Write Inc program is progressing well, and the children are making great progress with their literacy. We are fortunate to have additional staff members involved in our program, allowing us to have focused, targeted lessons for 4-hours each week. The children will all be assessed again in early August.

If you would like to further support your child with their literacy at home, I would suggest:

  • Helping your child remember to return their readers each Friday so that they can choose new decodable books each week.
  • Finding authentic opportunities for your child to write, e.g., make a shopping list, write a letter to post to a family member, create a survey, or write instructions for somebody else to follow.
  • Reading stories to your child every day. They may be interested in chapter books that you read to them or prefer picture storybooks.

I also wanted to remind you that Foundation will celebrate our 100th Day of school on the Thursday 11 August. We will host the whole school assembly that morning at 8.50am dressed as 100-year-olds, so please come along to share this special event with us.

For more information about our upcoming events please check the Woodleigh App or our calendar which is posted on Seesaw each Friday for the week ahead.

Kind regards,

Foundation Teacher